Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back in the USA!!

We're finally home! That was the longest trip home ever! We got in Friday and Bryan and I are still sick! We drove from Kaputa 2 days. We did camp in tents, but don't feel to bad for us. We stayed at a place called Forrest Inn and it was beautiful. It was gated and had a guard and American bathrooms with electricity! It was a really good thing because Melissa and I were sick all night from some chicken we ate along the way! It was soooo cold that night we were breathing smoke! We nearly froze, and now we are back to summer. The days in Kaputa were blazing hot and chili at night. We have gone through seasons and the future (7 hour time difference) to get home! I am so thankful to God for the whole experience The only way it would have been better would be if my whole family could have been there! Maybe next time :).

We will be talking about the trip this Wednesday night at the Shack (6:30). Hope you can make it!

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